Get started by downloading the Etcher SD card writing software from
Next, head to the Raspberry Pi website's download page, and grab a copy of Raspbian or Raspbian Lite. These can be downloaded direct from the website, or as torrents.
Note that if you have a slow internet connection, Raspbian Lite is the better option. (If you want an even lighter distro, try DietPi.)
Be aware that this option will delete the contents of your SD card. Be sure to back up any vital data from within your existing Raspbian installation before proceeding.
After downloading, unzip the file to unpack the IMG disk image. You can then insert your SD card into your PC's card reader and launch Etcher. With the SD card automatically detected, all you need to do is click Select image and browse to the IMG.
Inserer image ETCHER
Update Raspbian by installing a fresh copy of the latest version
Click Flash to proceed and wait while the SD card is formatted and the Raspbian OS is installed. When you're done, close Etcher, then safely eject the SD card.
Insert it in your Raspberry Pi, boot up and enjoy all the new features of Raspbian! Wondering what to do next? Check our list of the best Raspberry Pi projects!
Begin by updating the repository package list:
sudo apt update
When this is done, run the upgrade command:
sudo apt dist-upgrade
Follow any prompts and wait for the Pi to be upgraded. When you're done, type:
sudo apt clean
This will discard any unneeded files that have been downloaded as part of the upgrade. Finish by restarting:
sudo reboot
When your Raspberry Pi has restarted, you'll be using the latest version of Raspbian. Well done!
As noted, Raspbian is based on Debian and follows the parent distro's naming conventions.
To upgrade Raspbian Stretch to Raspbian Buster, start by updating and upgrading to the most recent packages.
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
Next, the firmware should be updated with:
sudo rpi-update
Upgrading to Raspbian Buster means switching repositories. This is easily done in the terminal by editing the sources:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Use the arrow keys to browse through the list until you find
deb stretch main contrib non-free rpi
Change this line, replacing "stretch" with "buster":
deb buster main contrib non-free rpi
Press Ctrl+X to save and exit, then remove a large changelog file:
sudo apt-get remove apt-listchanges
This will save time when the operating system updates.
With the sources updated you can run a full package update and upgrade:
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
This will take a while to complete, so be patient. When done, use
sudo apt autoremove -y
to discard old packages with changed dependencies, then
sudo apt autoclean
This clears the package cache, removing data no longer available for download, and saving space on your Raspberry Pi.
To complete the upgrade from Raspbian Stretch to Raspbian Buster, reboot.
sudo reboot